High School, College, Post Graduate Photos in Studio

Need a cap and gown photo of your graduate? You can select the package below and get a cap and gown image as well as a headshot. Want a little more? Maybe you don’t want a cap and gown session but would like some poses of your graduate with their instrument, pet or more. We have an expanded session for you.

CAP AND GOWN SESSION $95 session fee, images @$60

20 minute session for cap and gown + a headshot if desired

GRADUATE PORTRAIT SESSION $110 session fee, images are @$60 each

45 minute session with outfit changes, props and more, feel free to bring an instrument, pet or your BFF

Image Packages

3 retouched images for$165 (+sales tax)

5 retouched images for $265 (+sales tax)

8 retouched images for $395 (+ sales tax)