Tara Patty Photography

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What Does Your Headshot Say About You?

What does your headshot say about you? Does it reflect your personality? Does it fit in with your industry? Meaning that if you are in a profession like medical or financial are you wearing what most of your colleagues wear? Are you fun loving, outgoing or pensive and thoughtful? Your headshot can say quite a lot about you and any people don't really realize this. That's why having a professional headshot is so important. 

Having a headshot or even team portrait that reflects your brand is important. If you are servicing clients in a particular industry your portraits should reflect that industry. Sure you can get creative and do something others haven’t done but still it needs to speak to your brand.

Now some clients are pretty creative in that they do one team portrait for one set of clients and another reflecting a different look. For example we photographed a financial service team but they specialize in working with farmers and ranchers. Therefore they got a team portrait to reflect that.

The important thing is to enhance your brand. An outdoor photo can be okay for conservative industries (like financial) if the subject is dressed appropriately and the background minimized. You never want the background to be distracting-whether indoors or out.

We do headshots from time to time outdoors—but you need to plan around weather and light (especially background lighting). 

We also get people who come in after trying to make it work with a cell phone photo. And though the newer phone have awesome cameras there is something to be said about professional lighting that makes your portrait pop. So do you have a great headshot that reflects who you are? If you don’t think about getting an updated headshot.