Tara Patty Photography

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During Your Session: What To Expect

Most people consider going to get a headshot done equivalent with going to the dentist. They think it’s going to be really painful. Really? It's not that bad people. We do our best to get you to relax so that we can capture your true essence. From the moment you walk in we’ll help you decide what clothes to wear and how to pose. We’ll help you determine what to do with your hair (for women) or what tie is best (men).

We want your personality to shine through. As we shoot we tether to a large monitor so that we can take breaks and have you look at the images right there so that there are no surprises. Most people relax after seeing the monitor the first time and realizing that they actually look pretty good.

Then based on what we decide after viewing a few images we will direct the session to what is working. Maybe it’s having images taken from one side only (your best side)—don’t know you best side? We’ll help you determine that at the beginning. Or maybe it’s the way your coat jacket lays on one side or the other. Whatever works is the direction we will go. Once determined then we can add in a few more poses to get a different look. By then you’ll be totally relaxed. We want you walking out of the session confident that we have enough choices for you to make your final selection.

Have questions? Feel free to call or email us and we’ll put your mind at ease.

Most sessions go quickly and smoothly- no surprises and no pain—promise!