Tara Patty Photography

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Why You Really Need A Professional Head Shot

Everyone needs a professional head shot. But have you ever stopped to wonder why? Can a good head shot really help you with your business? Here are three reasons why a good professional head shot makes sense.

First—You are your brand

In an online world your presence equals your business. More than 70% of people do online research on a business before ever making contact (according to a survey by ODM Group) . This This includes social media as well as search engines. So it’s in your best interest to have a robust online profile. A great head shot can help potential customers connect to you before they ever contact you.

Second—A Good Head Shot Helps Networking

Having a good head shot that shows your personality and actually looks like you aides in having your network remember you. Push your head shot out on various online platforms so that your network can easily put a name to a face. One of the best compliments I’ve gotten is that I actually LOOK like my head shot. Does your head shot look like it’s 15 years old? Maybe it’s time for a new one.

Third—Stand Out From The Competition

No matter what business you’re in the field is most likely pretty competitive. By having a clean responsive website that includes high quality images of you and your team you can eliminate a substantial amount of your competition. Make sure that you are showing off your business in the best possible light by having professional photographs of you and your team that clearly convey your brand.

Dos and Don’ts of Professional Head Shots

-Do hire a professional—someone who specializes in the type of work you need for your brand.

-Don’t assume that just because someone is great at real estate photography they know how to take great head shots.

-Do give your photographer clear direction. We cannot read minds (as much as we’d love to). Find some images that you really like and show them to your photographer.

-Don’t try to do it yourself—with your phone—and add those awful filters. Yes, everyone CAN tell the difference.

Do you need new head shots for you and your team? Check out our head shot information page with pricing and image samples.