Tara Patty Photography

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6 Ways To Rock Your Head Shot Session

Having a portrait taken is stressful for most people. Your headshot session ranks right up there with getting a root canal. Needless to say it’s less than enjoyable. But that’s okay—we work hard to make your session easy and fun —in other words quick and painless!

Here are 6 ways you can nail your headshot session and get the best results.

Manage Your Time

Don’t rush your session—if it take you a little bit to warm up in from of the camera then maybe consider a longer session. Either way don’t book your session close to other appointments so you have to rush in and out. That does no one any favors and adds to the stress level. Give yourself plenty of time.


Sounds easy enough but it’s critical for good skin and to feel good—especially in our high altitude environment. Make sure you drink plenty of water in the few days leading up to your headshot.

Get Plenty of Rest

Lack of rest can be a huge contributor to stress—which can affect your mood as well as your skin. Make sure in the few days leading up to your session that you get plenty of rest.

Get Good Nutrition

Nutrition can play a very important role in how you feel. Your mood and looks depend on it. In the few days leading up to your session stay away from excess fried foods, salt, sugar and alcohol. You’ll have more energy, your skin will glow and your mood will be much better.

Plan Your Wardrobe

Wardrobe plays a huge role is how well your headshots turn out. What you wear day to day may not always be the best choice. These professional images will reflect your brand —so pick carefully—choose clothing that sends the right message. See our Blog on best colors for headshots

Set Your Expectations

You can have the best photographer for headshots and still not get images that you love. How? By not communicating with your photographer. Show examples of why you like and don’t like—pick some favorites from their website. Help them understand the style and mood that you are going for. When we photograph headshots we tether to a monitor so you can see what we are getting as we take the images. This helps there to be no surprises when you see the final images.

If you follow these 6 steps it will help you get the best results for your headshots.